Corporate governance

The purpose of our corporate governance is to facilitate effective, entrepreneurial, and prudent management that promotes the long-term success of the Company and generates value for shareholders. It also contributes to all our stakeholders whether its customers, consumers, suppliers, colleagues, the government or wider society.

The Board leads the Group’s governance structure, providing stewardship of the Company, with the purpose of safeguarding its long-term sustainable success. The Board supports the principles laid down by the UK Governance Code 2018 as issued by the Financial Reporting Council, which applies to accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019. See for more details.

Governance and risk
The Board is responsible for the oversight of risk and the effectiveness of the Group’s system of internal control, including financial reporting process. In doing so, it ensures the necessary resources are in place for the Company to meet its objectives and measure its performance. The Board has an effective governance and risk framework, which has been devised to ensure the Group is being operated and managed appropriately, and prudent and effective controls are in place to identify, manage or mitigate risks.

During any year, the Board undertakes a robust assessment of the Group’s emerging and principal risks. Further details can be found within the Group’s Annual Report & Accounts. The Board has delegated authority for monitoring risk management and internal controls to the Audit Committee. Further information features in the Audit Committee report in our Annual Report & Accounts.

Workforce engagement
The Board and its committees receive regular updates on workforce matters via HR reports. These updates include site-based pay negotiations, vacancies and recruitment, review of talent management and succession plans, results of periodic employee engagement exercises and action plans to address issues raised. These activities are enhanced by the work of the Remuneration and Audit Committees which review remuneration arrangements for colleagues across the business and the issues raised via our confidential whistleblowing helpline and management’s response to them.

Helen Jones, the Workforce Engagement NED, has an important role in fostering effective engagement with colleagues to enable the Board to be kept informed of colleague views, and ensure these views are taken into consideration as part of the Board’s decision-making. Voice Forums are present at all our sites, facilitating two-way engagement with colleagues across the business and Helen attends these meetings, with results fed back to the Board.

Purpose, values and culture

Purpose, values and culture

One of the Board’s responsibilities is to assess and monitor culture to ensure it is aligned with the Group’s strategy. We continue to make progress embedding our purpose and values across the business, increasing investment in colleague communication and engagement, and up-weighting training in areas such as leadership, inclusion and diversity. Progress is monitored through regular HR updates, colleague surveys, Board site visits, issues raised in whistleblowing helpline calls, colleague retention levels and work our Non-Executive Director does on workforce engagement.

People in canteen with brand value posters

Group strategy

Group strategy

The Board has an important role to play in reviewing and approving the Group’s strategy and in providing effective oversight of the implementation of the key elements of the strategy in order to deliver long-term sustainable growth.

Series of icons showing group strategy icons

ESG strategy

ESG strategy

The Board has overall responsibility for the Group’s ESG strategy known as the Enriching Life Plan and oversight of climate-related risks the business faces. The Board delegates day-to-day management of this strategy to the ESG Governance Committee chaired by the CEO and supported by the ESG Director, Executive Leadership Team members and subject matter experts from across the Group. The CEO provides regular updates, and the Board reviews the strategy annually and progress against targets are reported at Board meetings.

Man in field

Climate risks

Climate risks

Climate risks are incorporated into the Group’s Enterprise Risk Management framework. This ensures a bottom-up approach to identifying and quantifying risks for prioritisation, as well as appointed Executive Leadership Team members, Audit Committee and Board having oversight. In addition, the ESG Governance Committee oversees the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Steering Group, who are responsible for embedding the framework across the business. ESG matters and climate risks are also taken into account by the Board when making key decisions as part of its responsibility to Section 172 of the Companies Act.

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